During the winter months, landscape and yardwork is usually the last thing on the minds of homeowners. But during these times are actually the most ideal times to renovate the lawn and eliminate the brown spots and crab grass left over from last summer.
Lawn Renovation
Lawn renovation begins with raking to the open ground to expose the soil so that new seeds can germinate. This should be followed by levelling the lawn to cover the lowest areas with new soil and then reseed the entire lawn if necessary or merely patch certain areas as required.
To ensure germination, add a good fertilizer and cover the seeds to protect them from hungry birds. Then wait for three to four weeks for the seeds to sprout. The advantage to doing this during the winter is that nature provides enough water to germinate the seeds, whereas it is obligatory to water the areas during other times of the year.
Crab Grass
Your grass is full of crab grass seed waiting to sprout in the spring, so you need to spray a pre-emergent during the last week of February, just before the temperature starts to warm up. You do not want to apply the pre-emergent any earlier than February because it could kill any new seeds that you have planted. Also, the chemicals are not as effective in the cold weather.
Now is the time to begin pruning your trees, and your roses too! In order to improve the production of these plants, you must prune before they start to bud.
Flower beds
Take the time to remove the fallen leaves and blossoms to avoid protential fungus and molds from growing.
Planting bare-root trees and roses before spring arrives, is good because the prices are the best for new trees and bushes at this time of year.
Contact Landscape Professionals
Winter is the most ideal time to contact a landscape contractor about updating, remodeling, or totally reinstalling your yard. Most people typically wait until spring to make their initial calls, and often find that landscapers are busy and are even scheduled in advance all the way to March. Plan ahead to get the best services and prices of the year. (Click to Tweet)
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