March weather is unpredictable at times but it’s not too early to get back into the garden! Early spring is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for the warm months. Here’s seven things you can do to wake up your garden in spring!
Clean Up Nonwoody Perennials
Some of your cold-hardy perennials (such as heurcheras and irises) may not go completely dormant during the winter and grip onto their leaves even during the winter storms. Changes are that they’re looking pretty disheveled at this point. Use your pruners to remove your brown or tattered leaves.
Prune Woody Perennials and Roses
Next up is the roses and shrubs. They’re probably just beginning to leaf or bloom (whichever comes first, depending on the plant), it’s easy to spot dead branches or rose canes. Be sure to prune by cutting on an angle just above the base of the branch or cane.
Get a Jump Start on Weeding
Most annual weeds won’t germinate until late spring. Many perennials such as dandelion, start leafing out very early! Dig deep and remove the entire root of any wild perennials that you don’t want in your garden.
Prepare Soil
Add generous amounts of compost to garden beds and borders, working it into the top few inches of the spoil. Spread an inch or two of compost around perennials making sure not to let the compost actually touch the plant. If your soils is acidic, add garden line to neutralize the pH. If you have heavy clay soil with poor drainage, try adding sand, pumice and/or compost!
Plant Cold-Hardy Blooming Annuals
The temperatures in spring can be very unpredictable, but annuals like pansies and primroses can handle the chilly weather. These will give your garden an instant color boost!
Get Containers Ready
Did you clean your empty plant containers at the end of the season last year? If not, do that now. It’s important to clean them fully to prevent plant disease and infestation problems later on. Scrub non-clay pots with soapy water. If you had pests last year, soak the containers with a mixture of one part bleach to nine parts water for ten minutes. Scrub clay pots with steel wool to remove mineral deposits.
Plan Ahead
We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again. Spend time mapping out where you want to place your plants and any other new additions later on!
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