When planning to do a landscaping project, there isn’t much you – the homeowner – can do in preparation. But there are a few things that will need to be done before the landscapers ever set foot on your property.
Mark your gas, water, etc. lines
A few days before your landscaping projects begin, you will need to have some of the underground lines and wires identified. To do this, you will need to call each company and have someone come out to mark exactly where these lines are laid. You will need to call the:
– cable company
– gas company
– electrical company
– water company
– sewer company
By calling these companies and having them mark the lines, it will keep your project timeline on track and will allow your landscapers to spend their time doing the landscaping work instead of trying to sort this out themselves.
Remove clutter from the yard
This is probably one of the easiest, but most important tasks. It might be a no-brainer but its amazingly surprising how many people leave toys and tools all over their yard even on the day the landscapers arrive. It doesn’t have to be neat, it just has to be out of the way. If you do not have a space to store them, pile them on your porch or on your driveway.
Leave them space
If you are having trees planted, installing a bunch of hedges or if you are resodding your yard, then you need to be considerate of the distance your landscapers will have to park from your yard. They might have to carry trees/bushes or walk rolls of sod over a long distance. If you can shorten that distance by parking your vehicles on the street or out of the way, that will be a huge help to your landscapers.
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