When hiring a commercial snow removal company, there are many different factors to consider. Although it might be easy to just call the first company you come across, you will want to ensure that you get excellent service for what you pay.
- Get a snow removal estimate that matches your needs.
Each company offers a variety of prices and services. Make sure you do your research to make sure you find a company that is offering what you need for an affordable price. Do not forget to ask about special fees – especially those based on unique conditions such as deep snow, or additional services such as de-icing or detailing.
- Ask for references and check for accreditation.
Make sure that the company you hire is reliable, insured, and has a reputation for offering excellent customer service. Even though large commercial companies may have great reputations, it is not a bad idea to check references to make sure that you receive the most exceptional services. You should also ensure that the company is committed to safe operating practices by checking their company safety record.
- Ensure clear communication and clear contracts.
Whenever you hire a contractor or sign a written agreement, you will want to carefully review all contracts to make sure all the services you have discussed are included and priced appropriately. Look to see how the company will document work in progress and what contingency plans they have in place for if problems were to arise. You should feel comfortable with the company you have hired and should know the best way to contact them.
- Hire a Risk Manager, not just a snow plow company.
Consider the level of service that you need and make sure that the company can provide those services. Does the company you are considering include a zero tolerance ice management if that’s one of your goals? Do they treat sidewalks and parking lots before it snows to stay ahead of the storm? You want to ensure that the company you hire has a plan and is prepared for every possible winter condition.
- Make sure that the snow removal company is insured.
A low cost snow plow option might be tempting, but companies that have adequate insurance can cost more than those without. Just as you make sure your business has proper insurance coverage, make sure your commercial snow removal company does as well. The risks associated with snow and ice are very high and not worth taking the added risk of a lower cost contractor.
- Know your snow and ice contactor’s emergency snow removal plan.
The best snow and ice contractors have a detailed plan set in place for an assortment of snow and ice events. They have specific steps planned for a light snow fall, a blizzard, ice storms or any other snow happenings that might cause power outages or reduced resources and man power. Regardless of what the storm might look like, a company with a plan will have the equipment ready to go, routes scheduled and a plan in place to keep their customers informed and their sites clean.
Is there any other factors that you would recommend be considered before hiring a commercial snow removal company? Share them in the comments below!
I agree that looking for insured contractors is an absolute must, especially when it comes to choosing one who will be removing the snow and ice from your yard. Ice can be one of the most dangerous consequences of snowy weather because of how slick it is and you always have to be wary of the damages it can cause. You want to make sure and find a properly insured snow removal company so that they can cover any damages they might accidentally cause to your property, or that they can cover themselves if they accidentally get hurt on the job.